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单词 Samarkand
释义 Samarkand  AHD:  [s²m“…r-k²nd”, s…-m…r-känt“] D.J.  [6s#m*7k#nd, s*m*6k$8nt]K.K.  [6s#m+7k#nd, s*m+6k$nt]NONE(无词性)A city of southern Central Asian U.S.S.R. southwest of Tashkent. Dating from the third or fourth millenniumb.c. , the city was conquered by Alexander the Great in 329, taken by the Arabs in the eighth century a.d. , and destroyed by Genghis Khan c. 1220. It was rebuilt as a fabled center of great splendor and opulence when it became (c. 1370) the capital of Tamerlane's empire. Population, 371,000. 撒马尔罕:前苏联中亚地区的城市,位于塔什干西南部。始于公元前 三千年或四千年,329年被亚历山大大帝征服, 公元 8世纪被阿拉伯人夺走,13世纪20年代被成吉思汗摧毁。在14世纪70年代成为塔玛莱恩首都,并成为传说中威严华丽的中心区。人口371,000




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