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单词 sandal
释义 sandal['sændl]n. 凉鞋, 拖鞋, 檀香木vt. 穿以便鞋 sandal 1  sandal 1  AHD:  [s²n“dl] D.J.  [6s#ndl]K.K.  [6s#nd1]n.(名词)1. A shoe consisting of a sole fastened to the foot by thongs or straps.凉鞋:用皮带或皮条绑缚于脚上的鞋2. A low-cut shoe fastened to the foot by an ankle strap.便鞋:浅帮的用踝部扣带系于脚上的鞋3. A rubber overshoe cut very low and covering little more than the sole of the shoe.浅口橡胶套鞋:鞋帮非常浅的橡胶套鞋,鞋帮只盖过鞋底很浅4. A strap or band for fastening a low shoe or slipper on the foot.鞋袢:浅帮鞋或拖鞋的搭扣带或鞋带语源:1. Middle English 中古英语 2. from Old French sandale 源自 古法语 sandale 3. from Latin sandalium 源自 拉丁语 sandalium 4. from Greek sandalion [diminutive of] sandalon [sandal] 源自 希腊语 sandalion  [] sandalon的小后缀 [用鞋袢扣牢] 继承用法:san“daled  adj.(形容词) sandal 2  sandal 2  AHD:  [s²n“dl] D.J.  [6s#ndl]K.K.  [6s#nd1]n.(名词)Sandalwood.檀香木语源:1. Middle English 中古英语 2. from Old French sandale  possibly via Late Greek santalon 源自 古法语 sandale  可能源自 后期希腊语 santalon 3. from Arabic &9{Ìandal} 源自 阿拉伯语 &9{Ìandal} 4. from Sanskrit candanam 源自 梵文 candanam




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