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单词 Santa Fe
释义 Santa Fe  San.ta Fe  AHD:  [s²n“t… f³”] D.J.  [6s#nt* 7fe!]K.K.  [6s#nt* 7fe]NONE(无词性)1. also [sän”tä fµ“] A city of northeast Argentina on the Salado River northwest of Buenos Aires. Founded in 1573, it is a port with various light industries. Population, 291,966.也作 [sän”tä fµ“] 圣大菲:阿根廷东北部一城市,位于萨拉多河沿岸,布宜诺斯艾利斯西北方。它建于1573年,是具多种轻工业的港口。人口291,9662. The capital of New Mexico, in the north-central part of the state northeast of Albuquerque. The Spanish established a settlement here c. 1609 on the site of ancient Native American ruins and developed it as a trade center over the next 200 years. Occupied by U.S. forces in 1846, it became territorial capital in 1851 and state capital in 1912. Population, 55,859.圣大菲:新墨西哥州首府,位于该州中北部,阿尔伯克基东北方。西班牙人于1609年在原美洲印第安人的废墟上建起了此住宅区,并在以后的200年里把它建成了一个贸易中心。它在1846年被美国部队占领,于1851年成为地区首府,并于1912年成为州首府。人口55,859




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