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单词 satiate
释义 satiate['seiʃieit]vt. 使饱足, 使厌腻, 充分满足a. 饱足的, 厌腻的 satiate  sa.ti.ate  AHD:  [s³“sh¶-³t”] D.J.  [6se!.i87e!t]K.K.  [6se.i7et]AHD:  [-¹t]及物动词),,sa.ti.ates 1. To satisfy (an appetite or a desire) fully.使饱:充分满足(食欲或欲望)2. To satisfy to excess.过分满足adj.(形容词)Filled to satisfaction.达到满足的语源:1. Middle English saciaten 中古英语 saciaten 2. from Latin sati³re  sati³t- 源自 拉丁语 sati³re  sati³t- 3. from satis [sufficient] * see  s³- 源自 satis [足够的] *参见 s³- 继承用法:sa”tia“tion  n.(名词)参考词汇:1. satiate,sate,cloy,glut,gorge,surfeit2. These verbs mean to fill or become filled to the utmost.这些动词意思是使充满或充满至极。3. Satiate   andsate, which are generally interchangeable, can mean merely to satisfy fully,but usually both imply satisfaction beyond natural desire: Satiate  和Sate 一般可互换使用, 仅仅指充分满足,但通常暗示超出自然欲望的满足: The novel she finished last night sated her appetite for fiction.昨晚她看完的小说满足了她对小说的渴望。4. Cloy  stresses the distaste or ennui produced by overindulgence: Cloy  强调因过分沉迷而产生的厌恶或厌倦: The host served a dessert so sweet that it cloyed.主人端上的甜点太甜以致发腻。5. Glut   emphasizes the sheer volume of oversupply: Glut  强调过多供应的数量: Even the surrender of half of Europe failed to glut Hitler's ambition.即使是半个欧洲的投降也不能满足希特勒的野心。6. Gorge   refers principally to greedy overstuffing with food: Gorge  主要指过于贪婪地吃东西: The children gorged on potato chips.孩子们猛吃土豆片。7. Surfeit   implies excess resulting in revulsion or illness: Surfeit  暗指由反感和恶心而导致的过度: I surfeited myself with chocolate. 我巧克力吃多了




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