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单词 saturated
释义 saturated['sætʃəreitid]a. 饱和的, 渗透的【医】 饱和的 saturated  sat.u.rat.ed  AHD:  [s²ch“…-r³”t¹d] D.J.  [6s#t.*7re!t!d]K.K.  [6s#t.*7ret!d]adj.Abbr. sat.,satd.(形容词)缩写 sat.,satd.1. Unable to hold or contain more; full.饱和的:不能盛或包含更多的了;充满的2. Soaked with moisture; drenched.浸透的:被浸液浸透的;浸透的3. Chemistry 【化学】 4. Combined with or containing all the solute that can normally be dissolved at a given temperature.饱和的:在给定温度下,合成或含有通常所能溶解的最多溶剂的5. Having all available valence bonds filled. Used especially of organic compounds:饱和的:所有可能的化合键饱和的,尤指用于有机化合物:saturated fats.饱和脂肪6. Geology Of or relating to minerals that can crystallize from magmas even in the presence of excess silica.【地质学】 饱和的:与在有过量硅存在时仍能从岩浆中结晶的矿物质有关的、或这种矿物的




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