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单词 savor
释义 savor['seivə]n. 滋味, 气味, 食欲vi. 有...的滋味vt. 加调味品于, 使有风味, 尝到 savor  sa.vor  AHD:  [s³“v…r] D.J.  [6se!v*]K.K.  [6sev+]n.(名词)1. The taste or smell of something.味道:某物的味道或气味2. A specific taste or smell.See Synonyms at taste 特殊的味道或气味参见 taste3. A distinctive quality or sensation:滋味:特殊性质或感觉:enjoying the savor of victory.享受胜利的滋味v.(动词)  sa.vored,,sa.vors v.intr.(不及物动词)1. To have a particular taste or smell:有特殊的味道或气味:a dish that savors of curry.一盘有咖喱味道的菜2. To exhibit a specified quality or characteristic; smack:展示特殊性质或特征;有…的风味:postures that savored of vanity.具有自负意味的姿态及物动词)1. To impart flavor or scent to; season:调味:给…增加滋味或风味;使有味:savored the bland soup with salt.将淡汤加盐调味2. To taste or smell, especially with pleasure:品尝或闻,尤指带着快乐地:savored each morsel of the feast.每一道菜肴都尝一下3. To appreciate fully; enjoy or relish:欣赏:十分欣赏;玩味或喜欢:I want to savor this great moment of accomplishment.我要享受成功的微妙时刻语源:1. Middle English savour 中古英语 savour 2. from Old French 源自 古法语 3. from Latin sapor 源自 拉丁语 sapor 4. from sapere [to taste] * see  sep- 源自 sapere [品尝] *参见 sep- 继承用法:sa“vorer  n.(名词)sa“vorous  adj.(形容词)




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