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单词 Savoy
释义 Savoy 1  Savoy 1  AHD:  [s…-voi“] D.J.  [s*6v%!]K.K.  [s*6v%!]NONE(无词性)A ruling house of Sardinia (1720-1861) and Italy (1861-1946).萨伏伊:撒丁尼亚尼亚王国(1720-1861年)和意大利王国(1861-1946年)的执政厅 Savoy 2  Savoy 2  AHD:  [s…-voi“] D.J.  [s*6v%!]K.K.  [s*6v%!]NONE(无词性)A historical region and former duchy of southeast France, western Switzerland, and northwest Italy. The region changed hands many times after its conquest by Julius Caesar and became a duchy in the early 15th century. In 1720 the duke of Savoy gained the title king of Sardinia, and in 1861 the Savoyard Victor Emmanuel II ascended the throne of the newly formed kingdom of Italy. Much of the original territory was ceded to France at the same time.萨伏伊:历史上的地区名,是法国东南、瑞士西部和意大利西北部以前的一个公国。此地在为裘力斯·凯撒征服以后几次易手,并在15世纪早期成为公国,1720年萨伏伊大公取得撒丁尼亚尼亚国王的头衔,1861年萨伏伊征服者伊曼纽尔二世登上新成立的意大利王国皇座,同时原萨伏伊的大部地区割让给了法国继承用法:Savoy“ard  AHD:  [s…-voi“ärd”, säv”oi-yärd“] (形容词)(名词)




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