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单词 saying
释义 saying['seiiŋ]n. 叙述, 话, 说, 言论相关词组:it goes without sayingThere is no saying... saying  AHD:  [s³“¹ng] D.J.  [6se!!0]K.K.  [6se!0]n.(名词)Something, such as an adage or a maxim, that is said.格言:被陈述的某事,如警句或格言参考词汇:1. saying,maxim,adage,saw,motto,epigram,proverb,aphorism2. These nouns refer to concise verbal expressions setting forth wisdom or a truth.Asaying is an often repeated and familiar expression:  这些名词都指富含智慧和真理意味的简洁话语的表达。Saying 指常被重复和熟悉的表达:  She was fond of quoting the sayings of philosophers.她喜欢引用哲人的话。3. Maxim  denotes particularly an expression of a general truth or a rule of conduct: Maxim  特指普遍真理或行为准则的表达: “For a wise man, he seemed to me . . . to be governed too much by general maxims” (Edmund Burke).“在我看来,一个明智的人似乎过于被普遍公理束缚了” (埃德蒙·伯克)。4. Adage  applies to a saying that has gained credit through long use: Adage  指经过长期使用并得到认可的格言: On his birthday the child gave no credence to the adage, “Good things come in small packages.”这孩子过生日时不相信“好东西在小包里”的老话。5. Saw   often refers to a familiar saying that has become trite through frequent repetition: Saw  常指经过多次重复而变得陈腐的熟语: In his epigram Samuel Johnson called remarriage a “triumph of hope over experience.”在他的警句中塞缪尔·约翰逊把再婚称作“希望对经历的胜利”。6. Proverb   refers to an old and popular saying that illustrates something such as a basic truth or a practical precept: Proverb  是指表达基本事实或实用概念的流行的旧说法: “Slow and steady wins the race” is a proverb to live by.“缓慢与稳健赢得比赛”是一条生活格言。7. Aphorism,  a concise expression of a truth or principle,implies depth of content and stylistic distinction: Aphorism  指真理或原则的简明表达,暗示内容的深度和形式的区分: Few writers have coined more aphorisms than Benjamin Franklin. 几乎没有其它的作家比本杰明·富兰克林编撰的格言多




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