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单词 scamper
释义 scamper['skæmpə]n. 蹦跳, 奔跑, 浏览vi. 蹦跳, 奔跑, 浏览 scamper  scam.per  AHD:  [sk²m“p…r] D.J.  [6sk#mp*]K.K.  [6sk#mp+]v.intr.(不及物动词)  scam.pered,,scam.pers To run or go quickly and lightly:蹦跳:轻快地跑或走:children scampering off to play.蹦跳着去玩耍的孩子们n.(名词)A quick light run or movement.奔跑:轻快的跑或运动语源:1. Probably from Flemish schampeeren 可能源自 佛兰芒语 schampeeren 2. frequentative of obsolete Dutch schampen [to run away, decamp] 已废荷兰语 schampen的重复 [跑开,出走] 3. from Middle Dutch ontscampen 源自 中古荷兰语 ontscampen 4. from Old French escamper 源自 古法语 escamper 5. from Old Italian scampare 源自 古意大利语 scampare 6. from Vulgar Latin *excamp³re 源自 俗拉丁语 *excamp³re 7. from Latin ex camp½ [out of the field] 源自 拉丁语 ex camp½ [离开田地] 8. ex- [away] * see  ex- ex- [离开] *参见 ex-9. camp½ [ablative of] campus [field] camp½  [] campus的夺格 [田地]




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