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单词 scapular
释义 scapularn. 肩胛, 肩胛骨, 肩绷带a. 肩胛骨的【医】 肩胛的 scapular  scap.u.lar  AHD:  [sk²p“y…-l…r] D.J.  [6sk#pj*l*]K.K.  [6sk#pj*l+]AHD:  [-lµr”¶] 【解剖学】 n.(名词)1. A monk's sleeveless outer garment that hangs from the shoulders and sometimes has a cowl.无袖外衣:僧侣穿的一种无袖外衣,从肩部垂下,有时包括僧衣的头巾2. A badge worn by affiliates of certain religious orders, consisting of two pieces of cloth joined by shoulder bands and worn under the clothing on the chest and back.肩章:某些宗教阶层成员所佩戴的徽章,由两块用肩带连接的布构成,佩戴在胸部和后背的衣饰下面3. One of the feathers covering the shoulder of a bird.用肩带连接:覆盖鸟的肩部羽毛adj.also (形容词) 也作 Of or relating to the shoulder or scapula.肩部或肩胛骨的:与肩部或肩胛骨有关的,属于肩部或肩胛骨的语源:1. Middle English scapulare 中古英语 scapulare 2. from Late Latin scapul³re [from neuter of] scapul³ris [pertaining to the shoulders or scapula] 源自 后期拉丁语 scapul³re  [] 源自scapul³ris的中性词 [连接肩部或肩胛骨的] 3. from scapula [shoulder] * see  scapula 源自 scapula [肩部] *参见 scapula




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