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单词 schlieren
释义 schlieren  AHD:  [shlîr“…n] D.J.  [6.l!*r*n]K.K.  [6.l!r*n]pl.n.(复数名词)1. Geology Irregular dark or light streaks in plutonic igneous rock that differ in composition from the principal mass.【地质学】 异离体:在深层火成岩中,在构成上与主体不同的不规则的深色或浅色条纹2. Regions of a transparent medium, as of a flowing gas, that are visible because their densities are different from that of the bulk of the medium.纹影法:透明的媒介区域,如可以看见流动的气体,因为它们的密度不同于媒介主体的密度语源:1. German [pl. of] Schliere 德语  [] Schliere的复数 2. from dialectal Shliere [streaks] 源自 方言 Shliere [条纹] 3. from Middle High German slier [mud, slime] 源自 中古高地德语 slier [泥地,烂泥] 4. from Old High German sclierrun [pieces, bits] 源自 古高地德语 sclierrun [片,部分]




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