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单词 scissor
释义 scissor['sizə]vt. 剪, 剪取, 删除, 削减n. 剪刀 scissor  scis.sor  AHD:  [s¹z“…r] D.J.  [6s!z*]K.K.  [6s!z+]及物动词)  scis.sored,,scis.sors To cut or clip with scissors or shears.剪断:用剪刀或剪子切割n.(名词)1. scissors (used with a sing. or pl. verb)A cutting implement consisting of two blades joined by a swivel pin that allows the cutting edges to be opened and closed.scissors (与单数或复数动词连用)剪刀:一种分割工具,由二片刀锋组成,连接刀锋的旋转连接销,使刀锋能够开闭2. Something resembling a two-bladed cutting implement:剪状物:象二片刀锋切割工具的某物:wore a jeweled scissor on her lapel.在她的翻领上带有珠宝装饰的剪状物3. scissors (used with a sing. verb)Sports scissors (与单数动词连用)【体育运动】 4. Any of various gymnastic exercises or jumps in which the movement of the legs suggests the opening and closing of scissors.剪式腿:各种体操练习或跳跃中腿部开合的动作5. A scissors hold.剪式抱语源:1. From alteration  influenced by Latin scissor [cutter]  from scissus [cut] * see  scission 源自  受 拉丁语 scissor的影响 [切刀]  源自 scissus [切] *参见 scission2. of Middle English sisours [scissors] 中古英语 sisours的变化 [剪刀] 3. from Old French cisoires 源自 古法语 cisoires 4. from Vulgar Latin *c&9{ºs½ria} 源自 俗拉丁语 *c&9{ºs½ria} 5. from Late Latin [pl. of] c&9{º}s½rium [cutting instrument] 源自 后期拉丁语  [] c&9{º}s½rium的复数 [切割工具] 6. from Latin caesus, -c&9{ºsus} [past participle of] caedere [to cut] * see  ka…-id- 源自 拉丁语 caesus, -c&9{ºsus}  [] caedere的过去分词 [切] *参见 ka…-id-




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