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单词 scrape
释义 scrape[skreip]n. 刮, 擦, 挖, 擦痕, 刮擦声, 困境vi. 刮掉, 擦掉, 刮出刺耳声vt. 刮, 擦, 擦伤, 挖成, 积蓄【机】 刮去; 刮掉相关词组:scrape through scrape  scrape  AHD:  [skr³p] D.J.  [skre!p]K.K.  [skrep]v.(动词)  scraped,,scrapes及物动词)1. To remove (an outer layer, for example) from a surface by forceful strokes of an edged or rough instrument:刮除,擦掉:用带梭或者粗糙的工具把(例如,最外层的物体)从表面移走:scraped the wallpaper off before painting the wall.在墙上涂油漆前把壁纸刮掉2. To abrade or smooth by rubbing with a sharp or rough instrument.擦:用尖的或粗糙的工具摩擦或者磨平3. To rub (a surface) with considerable pressure, as with an edged instrument or a hard object.摩擦:使劲用带梭或坚硬的物体磨(表面)4. To draw (a hard or abrasive object) forcefully over a surface:刮擦:使劲在表面刮擦(坚硬或打磨的物体):scraped my fingernails down the blackboard.用我的指甲在黑板上刮擦5. To injure the surface of by rubbing against something rough or sharp:刮破:碰到粗糙或者锋利的东西使表面刮破:scraped my knee on the sidewalk.我的膝盖在人行道上刮破了6. To amass or produce with difficulty:凑集:艰难地凑集或者生产:scrape together some cash.积攒一些钱v.intr.(不及物动词)1. To come into sliding, abrasive contact.摩擦:滑行的,摩擦性的接触2. To rub or move with a harsh grating noise.伴有刺耳声音的刮或移动3. To give forth a harsh grating noise.刮出刺耳声:发出尖尖刺耳的声音4. To practice petty economies; scrimp.节省;勉强过日子5. To succeed or manage with difficulty:勉强通过:艰难地获胜或通过:scraped through by a narrow margin.勉强过关n.(名词)1. The act of scraping.刮擦的动作2. The sound of scraping.刮擦的声音3. An abrasion on the skin.擦痕:皮肤上的刮痕4. An embarrassing predicament.窘境5. A fight; a scuffle.争吵;冲突语源:1. Middle English scrapen 中古英语 scrapen 2. from Old Norse skrapa * see  sker- 1源自 古斯堪的纳维亚语 skrapa *参见 sker- 1




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