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单词 screw
释义 screw[skru:]n. 螺旋, 螺杆, 螺钉, 螺旋桨, 吝啬鬼vt. 调节, 扭紧, 旋, 拧, 加强, 压榨, 勒索vi. 转动, 旋, 拧【医】 螺[丝]钉, 螺旋相关词组:screw up one's couragehave a screw loosescrew sth up screw  screw  AHD:  [skr›] D.J.  [skru8]K.K.  [skru]n.(名词)1. A cylindrical rod incised with one or more helical or advancing spiral threads, as a lead screw or worm screw.螺钉:切割成有一个或好几个螺旋形或呈螺纹的一个圆管形铁棒,如导螺旋或转轮螺旋2. The tapped collar or socket that receives this rod.螺丝帽:用于接受螺钉的螺管套或基座3. A metal pin with incised threads and a broad slotted head that can be driven as a fastener by turning with a screwdriver, especially:螺丝钉:一枚有切割的螺纹和宽头的金属钉,可以用螺丝刀拧入以作为紧固物,尤指:4. A tapered and pointed wood screw.木钉:一个尖细的木头螺钉5. A cylindrical and flat-tipped machine screw.螺杆:一个有扁平头的圆柱形机器螺钉6. A device having a helical form, such as a corkscrew.螺状物:具有螺形形状的仪器,如一个螺丝起子7. A propeller.螺旋浆8. A twist or turn of or as if of a screw.(螺丝的)转,扭:螺丝或类似螺丝的转,扭9. Slang 【俚语】 10. A prison guard.监狱守卫11. The turnkey of a jail.狱吏12. Vulgar Slang The act or an instance of having sexual intercourse.【粗俗用语】 【俚语】 性交:性交的行为或事例13. Chiefly British 【多用于英国】 14. Salary; wages.工资;薪水15. A small paper packet, as of tobacco.小纸袋:小纸袋,如烟草盒16. An old broken-down horse.驽马17. A stingy or crafty bargainer.吝啬鬼:吝啬鬼或精明的讨价还价者v.(动词)  screwed,,screws及物动词)1. To drive or tighten (a screw).旋或拧(一个螺钉)2. To fasten, tighten, or attach by or as if by means of a screw.钉住,拧紧:用螺钉或类似方法加紧、加固或者连接3. To attach (a tapped or threaded fitting or cap) by twisting into place.扭进以固定:旋进去以连接(一个攻有内螺纹或螺线的装置或帽)4. To rotate (a part) on a threaded axis.旋转:使绕轴旋转(某部分)5. To contort (one's face).扭曲(某人的面孔)6. Slang To take advantage of; cheat:【俚语】 占便宜;诈骗:screwed me out of the most lucrative sales territory.利用我从事一项有利可图的销售7. Vulgar Slang To have sexual intercourse with.【粗俗用语】 【俚语】 与…性交v.intr.(不及物动词)1. To turn or twist.扭转,扭歪2. To become attached by means of the threads of a screw.旋紧:通过螺钉的螺丝使牢固3. To be capable of such attachment.能够拧紧4. Vulgar Slang To have sexual intercourse.【粗俗用语】 【俚语】 性交常用词组:screw around  1. Slang To act or fool around aimlessly or in a confused way and accomplish nothing.【俚语】 虚度:无目的地或以糊涂的方式行动或干傻事,什么也没有完成2. Vulgar Slang To be sexually promiscuous.【粗俗用语】 【俚语】 乱交screw up  1. To muster or summon up:召集或号召:screwed up my courage.鼓起我的勇气2. Slang To make a mess of (an undertaking).【俚语】 把(事业)弄糟3. Slang To injure; damage:【俚语】 伤害;破坏:Lifting those boxes really screwed up my back.抬这些箱确实令我的背部受到损伤4. Slang To make neurotic or anxious.【俚语】 使心情烦乱或紧张习惯用语:have a screw loose【俚语】  1. To behave in an eccentric manner.行为非常古怪2. To be insane.神经不正常语源:1. Middle English skrewe 中古英语 skrewe 2. from Old French escrove [female screw, nut] 源自 古法语 escrove [女吝啬鬼,干果] 3. perhaps from Medieval Latin scr½fa 可能源自 中世纪拉丁语 scr½fa 4. from Latin [sow] * see  sker- 1源自 拉丁语 [母猪] *参见 sker- 1继承用法:screw“able  adj.(形容词)screw“er  n.(名词)




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