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单词 seasonal
释义 seasonal['si:znəl]a. 季节的, 依照季节的, 周期性的【经】 季节性的, 季节的 seasonal  AHD:  [s¶“z…-n…l] D.J.  [6si8z*n*l]K.K.  [6siz*n*l]adj.(形容词)Of or dependent on a particular season.季节的:属于或依赖于某一特定季节的继承用法:sea”sonal“ity  AHD:  [-z…-n²l“¹-t¶] (名词)sea“sonally  adv.(副词)用法:1. Seasonal  and seasonable,  though closely related, are differentiated in usage. Seasonal  applies to what depends on or is controlled by the season of the year:  Seasonal 与 seasonable 虽然有密切联系,但它们在用法上仍有所不同。 Seasonal 适于依赖或被一年的季节所控制的事物:  a seasonal rise in employment.Seasonable  就业的季节性上升。Seasonable  2. applies to what is appropriate to the season (seasonable clothing ) or timely ( seasonable intervention in the dispute ). Rains areseasonal  if they occur at a certain time of the year. They areseasonable  at any time if they save the crops. 适于对某个季节适应的事物(合时令的衣服 )或及时的事物( 对这场纠纷的及时调解 )。 如果雨下在一年中某一特定时间,那我们说它是seasonal 。 如果它在任何时候拯救了庄稼,那都是seasonable  




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