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单词 sedan
释义 sedan[si'dæn]n. 轿车, 轿子 sedan  se.dan  AHD:  [s¹-d²n“] D.J.  [s!6d#n]K.K.  [s!6d#n]n.(名词)1. A closed automobile having two or four doors and a front and rear seat.箱式小客车:有二扇或四扇门,一个前座和一个后座的封闭小轿车2. A portable enclosed chair for one person, having poles in the front and rear and carried by two other people.Also called  In this sense, also called sedan chair 轿子:供一人坐的可搬运的封闭椅子,前后有杠子,需由另外两个人抬着也作  在此意义上也可称作 sedan chair语源:[Origin unknown] [来源不明]  Sedan  Se.dan  AHD:  [s¹-d²n“, s…-dä’“] D.J.  [s!6d#n, s*6d$80]K.K.  [s!6d#n, s*6d$0]NONE(无词性)A town of northeast France on the Meuse River near the Belgian border. It was the site of the decisive defeat and surrender of Napoleon III (September 2, 1870) in the Franco-Prussian War. Population, 23,477.色当:法国东北部一城市,位于比利时边境的默兹河沿岸。它是普法战争中拿破仑三世最终被击败和投降(1870年9月2日)的地点。人口23,477




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