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单词 sek
释义 sek 1  派生:1. Important derivatives are: sect,sequel,sequence,sue,suitor,consequent,ensue,execute,persecute,prosecute,pursue,subsequent,sequester,second2 intrinsic,seal1 sign,assign,designate,insignia,resign,social,society,associate,dissociate重要派生词为: sect,sequel,sequence,sue,suitor,consequent,ensue,execute,persecute,prosecute,pursue,subsequent,sequester,second2 intrinsic,seal1 sign,assign,designate,insignia,resign,social,society,associate,dissociate2. To follow.跟随,随后,沿着,遵循.3. sect , segue , seguidilla , sequacious , sequel , sequence , sue , suitor ; consequent , ensue , execute , obsequious , persecute , prosecute , ( pursue ), subsequent , from Latin  sequ&9{º} , to follow. sect , segue , seguidilla , sequacious , sequel , sequence , sue , suitor ; consequent , ensue , execute , obsequious , persecute , prosecute , ( pursue ), subsequent , 源自 拉丁语  sequ&9{º} , 跟随,随后. 4. sequester , sequestrum , from Latin  sequester , “follower,” mediator, depositary. sequester , sequestrum , 源自 拉丁语  sequester , “ 追随者,” 调停者, 保管者. 5. Suffixed (participial) form*sek w-ondo- . second 2 , secondo , secund , secundines , from Latin  secundus , following, coming next, second. 添加后缀的(分词)形式*sek w-ondo- . second 2 , secondo , secund , secundines , 源自 拉丁语  secundus , 下列的, 接下来的, 其次的. 6. Suffixed form*sek w-os , following. extrinsic , intrinsic , from Latin  secus , along, alongside of. 添加后缀的形式*sek w-os , following. extrinsic , intrinsic , 源自 拉丁语  secus , 沿着, 靠着…. 7. Suffixed form*sek w-no- . seal 1 , segno , sign ; assign , consign , designate , insignia , resign , from Latin  signum , identifying mark, sign (N “standard that one follows”). 添加后缀的形式*sek w-no- . seal 1 , segno , sign ; assign , consign , designate , insignia , resign , 源自 拉丁语  signum , 鉴定的标志, 符号 (N “某人遵循的标准”). 8. Suffixed o-grade form*sok w-yo- . sociable , social , society , socio- ; associate , consociate , dissociate , from Latin  socius , ally, companion (N “follower”). 添加后缀的O级形式*sok w-yo- . sociable , social , society , socio- ; associate , consociate , dissociate , 源自 拉丁语  socius , 同盟国, 伙伴 (N “拥护者”). 语源:Pokorny 1.sek &9{ø}-  896. 波科尔尼 1.sek &9{ø}-  896.  sek 2  派生:1. Important derivatives are: see1 sight重要派生词为: see1 sight2. To perceive, see.感觉,认知, 看见,知道.3. see 1 , from Old English  s¶on , to see, from Germanic  *sehwan , to see. see 1 , 源自 古英语  s¶on , 看见, 源自 日耳曼语  *sehwan , 知道. 4. sight , from Old English  sihth , gesiht , vision, spectacle, from Germanic  abstract noun *sih-tiz . sight , 源自 古英语  sihth , gesiht , 视觉, 眼镜, 源自 日耳曼语  抽象名词 *sih-tiz . 语源:Pokorny 2.sek &9{ø}-  897. 波科尔尼2.sek &9{ø}-  897.  sek 3  派生:1. Important derivatives are: say,saw2 saga,scold重要派生词为: say,saw2 saga,scold2. To say, utter.说话, 说出,发出声音.3. O-grade form*sok w- . O级形式*sok w- . 4. suffixed form*sok w-yo- . say , from Old English  secgan , to say, from Germanic  *sagjan ; 添加后缀的形式*sok w-yo- . say , 源自 古英语  secgan , 说,讲, 源自 日耳曼语  *sagjan ; 5. suffixed form*sok w-³- . 添加后缀的形式*sok w-³- . 6. saw 2 , from Old English  sagu , a saying, speech; saw 2 , 源自 古英语  sagu , 叙述, 演讲; 7. saga , from Old Norse  saga , a saying, narrative. Both (i)  and (ii)  from Germanic  *sag½ , a saying. saga , 源自 古斯堪的纳维亚语  saga , 格言, 故事. (i) 和 (ii) 都源自 日耳曼语  *sag½ , 谚语. 8. Perhaps suffixed zero-grade form*sk w-e-tlo- , narration. scold , skald , from Middle English  scolde , an abusive person, and Old Norse  sk³ld , poet, “satirist” (to which the probable Scandinavian  source of Middle English  scolde  is perhaps akin), from North Germanic  *skathla . 可能为添加后缀的零级形式*sk w-e-tlo- , 叙述文. scold , skald , 源自 中古英语  scolde , 谩骂者, 和 古斯堪的纳维亚语  sk³ld , 诗人, “讽刺家” (很可能 斯堪的纳维亚语 与 中古英语  scolde 的语源相同), 源自 北日耳曼语  *skathla . 语源:In Pokorny 2.sek &9{ø}-  897. 波科尔尼 2.sek &9{ø}-  897.  sek-  派生:1. Important derivatives are: scythe,saw1 sedge,Saxon,skin,secant,section,sector,segment,dissect,insect,intersect,sickle重要派生词为: scythe,saw1 sedge,Saxon,skin,secant,section,sector,segment,dissect,insect,intersect,sickle2. To cut.切割.3. scythe , from Old English  s&9{ºthe} , sigthe , sickle, from Germanic  *segith½ , sickle. scythe , 源自 古英语  s&9{ºthe} , sigthe , 镰刀, 源自 日耳曼语  *segith½ , 镰刀. 4. Suffixed o-grade form*sok-³- . saw 1 , from Old English  sagu , sage , saw, from Germanic  *sag½ , a cutting tool, saw. 添加后缀的O级形式*sok-³- . saw 1 , 源自 古英语  sagu , sage , 锯子, 源自 日耳曼语  *sag½ , 切割工具, 锯子. 5. Suffixed o-grade form*sok-yo- . sedge , from Old English  secg , sedge, from Germanic  *sagjaz , “sword,” plant with a cutting edge. 添加后缀的O级形式*sok-yo- . sedge , 源自 古英语  secg , 莎草, 源自 日耳曼语  *sagjaz , “刀剑,”具有锋刃的植物. 6. Suffixed o-grade form*sok-so- . Saxon , from Late Latin  Sax½ , (plural Saxon¶s ), a Saxon, from West Germanic  tribal name *Saxon- , Saxon, traditionally (but doubtfully) regarded as from Germanic  *sahsam , knife, sword (as if “warrior with knives”). 添加后缀的O级形式*sok-so- . Saxon , 源自 后期拉丁语  Sax½ , (plural Saxon¶s ), 撒克逊人, 源自 西日耳曼语  tribal name *Saxon- , 撒克逊, 传统上 (但不确定) 认为源自 日耳曼语  *sahsam , 小刀, 剑(好象是 “佩带刀剑的武士”). 7. Extended root*skend- , to peel off, flay. skin , from Old Norse  skinn , skin, from Germanic  *skinth- . 衍生词根*skend- , 剥落, 去皮. skin , 源自 古斯堪的纳维亚语  skinn , 皮肤, 源自 日耳曼语  *skinth- . 8. Basic form*sek- . secant , -sect , sectile , section , sector , segment ; dissect , insect , intersect , resect , ( transect ), from Latin  sec³re , to cut. 基本形式*sek- . secant , -sect , sectile , section , sector , segment ; dissect , insect , intersect , resect , ( transect ), 源自 拉丁语  sec³re , 切割. 9. Lengthened-grade form*s¶k- . sickle , from Latin  s¶cula , sickle. 变长级形式*s¶k- . sickle , 源自 拉丁语  s¶cula , 镰刀. 10. Possible suffixed variant form*sak-so- . 可能为添加后缀的变体形式*sak-so- . 11. zax , from Old English  seax , knife; zax , 源自 古英语  seax , knife; 12. saxatile ; saxicolous , saxifrage , from Latin  saxum , stone (N “broken-off piece”?). saxatile ; saxicolous , saxifrage , 源自 拉丁语  saxum , 石头 (N “断片”?). 语源:Pokorny 2.s&9{~k-}  895, sken-(d-)  929. 波科尔尼2.s&9{~k-}  895, sken-(d-)  929. 参考词汇:




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