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单词 sensuous
释义 sensuous['senʃuəs]a. 感觉上的, 使感官以快感的, 敏感的 sensuous  AHD:  [sµn“sh›-…s] D.J.  [6sen.u8*s]K.K.  [6sWn.u*s]adj.(形容词)1. Of, relating to, or derived from the senses.感觉的:属于、关于或来自于感觉的2. Appealing to or gratifying the senses.感官的:要求或满足感官的3. Readily affected through the senses.易接受感官影响的4. Highly appreciative of the pleasures of sensation.美好感觉的:对感官的快乐很有鉴赏力的继承用法:sen”suos“ity  AHD:  [-¼s“¹-t¶]  或 sen“su.ous.ness [-…s-n¹s] (名词)sen“suously  adv.(副词)参考词汇:1. sensuous,sensual,luxurious,voluptuous,sybaritic,epicurean2. These adjectives mean of, given to, or furnishing satisfaction of the senses.这些形容词意为给予或提供感官的满足。3. Sensuous  can refer to any of the senses but usually applies to those involved in aesthetic enjoyment,as of art or music: Sensuous  能够指任何一种感官但通常适用于涉及审美的快乐,如艺术或音乐: “The sensuous joy from all things fair/His strenuous bent of soul repressed”  (John Greenleaf Whittier).“从所有美的事物得到的感官上的快乐/他受压制的狂热的精神上的爱好” (约翰·格林利夫·惠蒂尔),4. Sensual   more often applies to the physical senses or appetites,particularly those associated with sexual pleasure: Sensual  更经常地应用于身体的感觉或欲望,尤指与性快乐有关的: “Of music Dr. Johnson used to say that it was the only sensual pleasure without vice”  (William Seward).“音乐博士约翰逊曾说,那只是毫无罪恶的性快感” (威廉·西活德)。5. Luxurious  in this comparison suggests a surrender to physical comfort,as that provided by a sumptuous lifestyle,leading to a delightful feeling of well-being: Luxurious  和其比较意为听任于身体的舒适,如由奢侈的生活方式所提供的,导致快乐的幸福的感觉: stayed in a luxurious, flower-filled suite with a crystal chandelier and thick oriental rugs.住在奢华的充满鲜花的套间里,还有水晶掉灯和很厚的东方地毯。6. Voluptuous   principally implies abandoning oneself to pleasures,especially sensual pleasures: Voluptuous  主要指放纵自己寻求快乐,尤指感官上的快乐: “Lucullus . . . returned to Rome to lounge away the remainder of his days in voluptuous magnificence” (J.A. Froude).“卢库卢斯…返回罗马以闲散度过他盛下的奢侈放纵的日子” (J·A·弗劳德)。7. Sybaritic  even more strongly suggests devotion to pleasure and luxury;the term implies excess and sometimes connotes effeteness or decadence: Sybaritic  甚至更强烈地暗指热心于欢乐和奢侈;这个词暗指过分的和经常意味着枯竭或堕落: A chinchilla robe of sybaritic lavishness was draped over the bed.奢华的栗鼠皮毛毯覆盖在床上。8. Epicurean  stresses the pleasure of indulging a taste for fine food and drink: Epicurean  则强调纵情享受精美的食物和饮料的味道的快乐: an epicurean banquet of exquisitely prepared food accompanied throughout by vintage champagne. 食物精心准备,自始至终伴有葡萄香槟酒的宴会




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