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单词 sex-
释义 sex-  sex-  pref.(前缀)Six:六:sexpartite.六分语源:1. Latin 拉丁语 2. from sex [six] * see  s(w)eks 源自 sex [六] *参见 s(w)eks  sex  sex  AHD:  [sµks] D.J.  [seks]K.K.  [sWks]n.(名词)1. The property or quality by which organisms are classified as female or male on the basis of their reproductive organs and functions.性别:基于生殖器官和功能而将生物体分为雌或雄的性质或特点2. Either of the two divisions, designated female and male, of this classification.两性之一:这种分类中雌或雄两性中任一个3. Females or males considered as a group.男性,女性:作为一组考虑的雌或雄4. The condition or character of being female or male; the physiological, functional, and psychological differences that distinguish the female and the male.See Usage Note at gender 性特征:作为雌或雄的情况或特点;区分雌雄的生理、功能和心理区别参见 gender5. The sexual urge or instinct as it manifests itself in behavior.性欲:在行为中显示自己性的强烈要求或本能6. Sexual intercourse.性交7. The genitalia.外生殖器n.attributive.(定语名词)Often used to modify another noun:性:常用于修饰另一名词:sex education; sex crimes.性教育;性犯罪及物动词)  sexed,, 1. To determine the sex of (an organism, especially a hatching chicken).辨识性别:决定(一个生物体,尤其是正在孵化中的小鸡)的性别2. Slang 【俚语】 3. To arouse sexually. Often used withup.  引起性欲:引起性欲。常与up 连用 4. To increase the appeal or attractiveness of. Often used withup.  吸引:引起感染力或诱惑力。常与up 连用 语源:1. Middle English 中古英语 2. from Latin sexus 源自 拉丁语 sexus




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