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单词 shack
释义 shack[ʃæk]n. 陋屋, 棚屋vi. 居住, 暂住相关词组:shack up shack  shack  AHD:  [sh²k] D.J.  [.#k]K.K.  [.#k]n.(名词)A small, crudely built cabin; a shanty.小屋:简陋的小屋v.intr.(不及物动词)  shack.ed,,shacks To live or dwell:居住:生活或居住:farm hands shacking in bunkhouses.住在牲口棚中的农民习惯用语:shack up【俚语】  1. To sleep together or live in sexual intimacy without being married.同居:未婚而睡在一起或有亲密性行为而住在一起2. To live, room, or stay at a place:同住:生活、居住或停留在某处:I'm shacking up with my cousin till I find a place of my own.直到我找到自己的房子我将与表弟住在一起语源:1. Possibly from American Spanish jacal 可能源自 美国西班牙语 jacal 2. from Nahuatl xacalli [adobe hut] 源自 那瓦特语 xacalli [住所,茅舍] 3. xámitl [adobe] xámitl [住所] 4. calli [house, hut] calli [房子,茅舍]




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