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单词 Shatt al Arab
释义 Shatt al Arab  Shatt al Arab 或 Shatt-al-Ar.ab  AHD:  [sh²t“ ²l ²r“…b, shät“] D.J.  [6.#t #l 6#r*b, 6.$8t]K.K.  [6.#t #l 6#r*b, 6.$t]NONE(无词性)A river channel, about 193 km (120 mi) long, of southeast Iraq formed by the confluence of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers and flowing southeast to the Persian Gulf. The Shatt al Arab forms part of the Iraq-Iran border, and navigation rights to the channel have long been disputed by the two countries.阿拉伯河:伊拉克东南部一河流水道,流程约193公里(120英里),由底格里斯河与幼发拉底河的汇合而成,并向东南注入波斯湾。阿拉伯河是伊拉克一伊朗边界的一部分。该水道的航运权长期为两国所争论




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