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单词 Shawnee
释义 Shawnee 1  Shawnee 1  AHD:  [shô-n¶“] D.J.  [.%86ni8]K.K.  [.%6ni]n.(名词)  【复数】 Shawnee 或 Shaw.nees  1. A Native American people formerly inhabiting parts of the Cumberland and central Ohio valleys, with present-day populations in Oklahoma. The Shawnee figured prominently in the resistance to white settlement of the Ohio Valley in the late 18th and early 19th centuries.肖尼族:一个早期居住于坎伯尔的部分地区和俄亥俄山谷中部的土著美洲民族,现居住于俄克拉荷马州。肖尼族于18世纪晚期和19世纪早期在抵抗白人移居俄亥俄山谷时起过突出作用2. A member of this tribe.肖尼族人:这个部落的成员3. The Algonquian language of the Shawnee.肖尼语:肖尼族的阿尔贡金语语源:1. Back-formation from obsolete Shawnese 源自 废语 Shawnese的逆构词 2. from Shawnee shaawanooki [those of the south, Shawnee] 源自 肖尼语 shaawanooki [那些南方人,肖尼族人]  Shawnee 2  Shawnee 2  AHD:  [shô-n¶“, shô“n¶] D.J.  [.%86ni8, 6.%8ni8]K.K.  [.%6ni, 6.%ni]NONE(无词性)1. A city of northeast Kansas, a suburb of Kansas City. Population, 29,653.肖尼:美国堪萨斯州东北的一个城市,是堪萨斯城的一郊区。人口29,6532. A city of central Oklahoma on the North Canadian River east-southeast of Oklahoma City. The city boomed after the discovery of oil in the 1920's and is now a trade and shipping center for an agricultural region. Population, 26,017.肖尼:美国俄克拉荷马州中部的一城市,位于俄克拉荷马城东南偏东方,北加拿大河畔。这个城市在20世纪20年代发现石油后繁荣起来,现在是一个农业区内的贸易及航运中心。人口26,017




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