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单词 shear
释义 shear[ʃiə]n. 修剪, 剪下的东西, 大剪刀, 切变, 剪切机, 切vt. 修剪, 割, 剥夺, 横越, 削剪vi. 剪, 修剪, 剪羊毛, 切断【化】 剪切; 剪应变 shear  shear  AHD:  [shîr] D.J.  [.!*]K.K.  [.!r]v.(动词)  sheared,sheared 或 shorn [shôrn, sh½rn],shears及物动词)1. To remove (fleece or hair) by cutting or clipping.剪断:通过切割或夹钳除去(羊毛或毛发)2. To remove the hair or fleece from.剪去…的毛:从…除去羊毛或毛发3. To cut with or as if with shears:修剪:用或好象用剪刀切割:shearing a hedge.剪树篱4. To divest or deprive as if by cutting:剥夺:似乎通过切割剥夺或除去:The prisoners were shorn of their dignity.囚犯被剥夺了尊严v.intr.(不及物动词)1. To use a cutting tool such as shears.剪切:使用切割工具,例如剪子2. To move or proceed by or as if by cutting:穿越:通过或好象通过切割移动或前进:shear through the wheat.穿过麦地3. Physics To become deformed by forces tending to produce a shearing strain.【物理学】 切变:由于倾向于产生剪应变的力而变形n.(名词)1. A pair of scissors. Often used in the plural.剪刀:一把剪刀。常用作复数2. Any of various implements or machines that cut with a scissorlike action. Often used in the plural.剪切机:以剪刀状动作切割的设备或机器。常用作复数3. The act, process, or result of shearing.剪切:剪切的行为、过程或结果4. Something cut off by shearing.剪下的东西:剪断的某物5. The act, process, or fact of shearing. Used to indicate a sheep's age:剪毛:剪切的行为、过程或事实。用来表示羊的年龄:a two-shear ram.剪过两次毛的公羊6. Also sheers [shîrz] (used with a sing. or pl. verb)An apparatus used to lift heavy weights, consisting of two or more spars joined at the top and spread at the base, the tackle being suspended from the top.也作 sheers [shîrz] (与单数或复数动词连用)起重三角架:用来提升重物的器械,由两个或多个在顶部连接而在基部分散的桁杆构成,顶部挂有滑轮7. Physics 【物理学】 8. An applied force or system of forces that tends to produce a shearing strain.Also called  shearing stress ,shear stress 剪应力:倾向于产生剪应力的应用力或力系也作  shearing stress,shear stress9. A shearing strain.剪应变语源:1. Middle English scheren 中古英语 scheren 2. from Old English sceran 源自 古英语 sceran 3. N., from Middle English shere 名词,源自 中古英语 shere 4. from Old English sc¶ar * see  sker- 1源自 古英语 sc¶ar *参见 sker- 1继承用法:shear“er  n.(名词)




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