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单词 shibboleth
释义 shibbolethn. 暗语, 暗号, 口令, 口号, 行话, 术语, 习俗, 习惯, 陈词滥调, 过时的信仰 shibboleth  AHD:  [sh¹b“…-l¹th, -lµth”] D.J.  [6.!b*l!G, -7leG]K.K.  [6.!b*l!G, -7lWG]n.(名词)1. A word or pronunciation that distinguishes people of one group or class from those of another.特有用语:把一个群体或阶层的人从另一个群体和阶层区分开来的词语或发音2. A word or phrase identified with a particular group or cause; a catchword.口号:与一个特别的群体或事业相关的词或词组;标语3. A commonplace saying or idea.陈腔滥调:一个平庸的说法或思想4. A custom or practice that betrays one as an outsider.门外汉:显示出该人是外来者的风俗或习惯语源:Ultimately from Hebrew šibb½let [torrent of water, from the use of this word to distinguish one tribe from another, who pronounced it] sibb½leth  (Judges 12:4-6) 最终源自 希伯来语 šibb½let [水流,从把一个部落同另一个把这个词发音成] sibboleth 的部落区分开的这个词的用法而来(《士·师记 12:46)》




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