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单词 shingles
释义 shinglesn. 带状疱疹【医】 带状疱疹 shingles  shin.gles  AHD:  [sh¹ng“g…lz] D.J.  [6.!0g*lz]K.K.  [6.!0g*lz]pl.n.(used with a sing. or pl. verb)(复数名词)(与单数或复数动词连用)An acute viral infection characterized by inflammation of the sensory ganglia of certain spinal or cranial nerves and the eruption of vesicles along the affected nerve path. It usually strikes only one side of the body and is often accompanied by severe neuralgia.Also called  herpes zoster 带状疱疹:一种严重的病毒感染,症状为某些脊柱或颅神经感觉神经节发炎,并沿被感染的神经出现大量水疱,这种病通常只在身体的一侧发作,经常伴有严重的神经痛也作  herpes zoster语源:1. Middle English 中古英语 2. alteration  influenced by Old French cengles [pl. of] cengle [shingles]  from Medieval Latin cingulus,  and by Old French sengle, single, chingle [belt]  from Latin cingulum  受 古法语 cengles的影响  [] cengle的复数 [带状疱疹]  源自 中世纪拉丁语 cingulus,  并受 古法语 sengle, single, chingle的影响 [带子]  源自 拉丁语 cingulum 3. of Medieval Latin cingulus  translation of Greek z½st¶r [girdle, shingles] 中世纪拉丁语 cingulus的变化   希腊语 z½st¶r的翻译 [腰带,带状疱疹] 4. variant of Latin cingulum [girdle (from the fact that the inflammation often extends around the middle of the body)] 拉丁语 cingulum的变体 [腰带(炎症经常沿着身体的中部一圈,发作,故名)] 5. from cingere [to gird] * see  kenk- 源自 cingere [围绕] *参见 kenk-




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