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单词 avocado
释义 avocado[,ævəu'kɑ:dou]n. 鳄梨, 鳄梨树 avocado  AHD:  [²v”…-kä“d½, ä”v…-] D.J.  [7#v*6k$8d*&, 7$8v*-]K.K.  [7#v*6k$do, 7$v*-]n.(名词)  【复数】 1. A tropical American tree(Persea americana)  having oval or pear-shaped fruit with leathery skin, yellowish-green flesh, and a large seed. Also called  alligator pear 鳄梨树:一种热带美洲乔木,(美国鳄梨 鳄梨属) 有椭圆形或梨形果实,果皮坚韧,果肉黄绿色,核大 也作  alligator pear2. The edible fruit of this tree.鳄梨:这种树的可食用果实3. Color A dull green.【色彩】 暗绿色语源:1. American Spanish 美国西班牙语 2. alteration  influenced by Spanish avocado  earlier form of abogado [lawyer]  受 西班牙语 avocado的影响   abogado的较早期形式 [律师] 3. of Nahuatl ahuacatl 那瓦特语 ahuacatl的变化 注释:The history ofavocado  takes us back to the Nahuatl (the language of the Aztecs) word ahuacatl,   “fruit of the avocado tree” or “testicle.”The wordahuacatl  was compounded with others, as inahuacamolli,  meaning “avocado soup or sauce,”  from which the Spanish-Mexican wordguacamole  derives. In trying to pronounceahuacatl,  the Spanish who found the fruit and its Nahuatl name in Mexico came up with aguacate,   but other Spanish speakers substituted the formavocado  for the Nahuatl word becauseahuacatl  sounded like the early Spanish word avocado  (now abogado ), meaning “lawyer.”  In borrowing the Spanishavocado,  first recorded in English in 1697 in the compound avogato pear  ( with a spelling that probably reflects Spanish pronunciation),we have lost many of the traces of the more interesting Nahuatl word.词avocado 的历史将我们带回那瓦特尔语(阿兹特克人的语言)单词 ahuacatl,   “鳄梨树的果实”或“睾丸”。单词ahuacatl 与其它词结合, 如ahuacamolli 表示“鳄梨汤或调味汁,” 西班牙-墨西哥语单词guacamole 即源于此。 当试图读出ahuacatl 时,西班牙人发现了鳄梨果实及其在墨西哥的那瓦特尔语名称并提出了 aguacate , 但另一些讲西班牙语的人以avocado 替代了这个那瓦特尔语单词, 因为ahuacatl 的发音听起来象早期西班牙单词 avocado, (现在的 abogado ),表示“律师。” 英语中首次借用这个西班牙单词avocado, 记录于1697年,在复合词 鳄梨 ( 其拼写可能反映了西班牙语发音),我们已经失落了很多更有趣的那瓦特尔语单词的踪迹




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