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单词 shirt
释义 shirt[ʃə:t]n. 衬衫, 内衣, 汗衫相关词组:lose one's shirtput one's shirt onput one's shirt uponget sb's shirt offgive sb a wet shirtkeep one's shirt on shirt  shirt  AHD:  [shûrt] D.J.  [.T8t]K.K.  [.Pt]n.(名词)1. A garment for the upper part of the body, typically having a collar, sleeves, and a front opening.衬衫:上身穿的一种衣服,通常有一个领子,两个袖口,前面有一个开口2. An undershirt.汗衫3. A nightshirt.衬衫式长睡衣习惯用语:keep (one's) shirt on【俚语】  To remain calm or patient:保持镇静或耐心:The plane doesn't land for another hour, so keep your shirt on.飞机还要过一小时才着陆,所以请保持耐心lose (one's) shirt【俚语】  To lose everything one has or owns.丧失一切:丧失一个人有的或拥有的一切the shirt off (one's) back【俚语】  The maximum one is able to give or lose:最大损失:一个人能给予或能失去的最大限额:The only thing those swindlers didn't take was the shirt off my back.那些骗子唯一没有拿走的就是我这条命语源:1. Middle English shirte 中古英语 shirte 2. from Old English scyrte [skirt] * see  sker- 1源自 古英语 scyrte [下摆] *参见 sker- 1




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