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单词 shut
释义 shut[ʃʌʃ]n. 关闭vt. 关上, 闭起, 幽禁, 合拢, 轧住vi. 关上, 停止营业【经】 关闭, 停止营业相关词组:shut one's eyes to the factsshut one's ears to all advicebe shut of sbshut downshut down onshut inshut sth offshut outshut sb out of the roomshut toshut upshut the door against sbshut the door upon sbshut the door in sb's face shut  shut  AHD:  [sh¾t] D.J.  [.Jt]K.K.  [.Jt]v.(动词)  shut,shut.ting,shuts及物动词)1. To move (a door or lid, for example) so as to block passage through an opening.关上:移动(如门或盖子)以便堵塞一开口的通道2. To block entrance to or exit from; close:封闭:堵塞…的入口或从…退出;关上:shut a corridor.封闭走廊3. To fasten with a lock, catch, or latch.闩:用锁、门扣或门闩紧固4. To confine in or as if in a closed space:禁闭:被或象被限制在一封闭空间内:shut them in a cage.把他们关在笼子里5. To exclude from or as if from a closed space:阻挡:把…从或象从一封闭空间排斥出去:shut the cats out of the house.把猫关在房屋外6. To cause to stop operating:停业,关闭:使…停止运行:shut down a restaurant; a school that was shut for the vacation.关闭了一家餐馆;因假期而关门的学校v.intr.(不及物动词)1. To move or become moved so as to block passage; close:封闭:移动或被移动以便堵塞通道;关:a door that shuts by itself.自己关上的一扇门2. To stop operating, especially automatically:停止运行:停止运行,尤指自动的:The electricity shuts off at midnight.半夜电停了n.(名词)1. The act or time of shutting.关闭:关的动作或时间2. The line of connection between welded pieces of metal.焊缝:金属焊件连接处的一条线常用词组:shut off  1. To stop the flow or passage of; cut off:关掉,切断:停止…的流动或通道;切断:shut off the hot water by closing a valve.关上阀门从而阻断了热水2. To close off; isolate:使隔绝;隔离:loners who shut themselves off from the community.把自己同社会隔开的孤独者shut out 【体育运动】  To prevent (an opponent) from scoring any runs or points.阻挡:防止(对手)持球跑动或得分shut up  1. To cause (someone) to stop speaking; silence.使闭嘴:让某人停止说话;安静2. To stop speaking.停止说话习惯用语:shut (one's) eyes to  To refuse to consider or acknowledge:拒绝考虑或承认:administrators who shut their eyes to pervasive corruption.对盛行的腐败现象置之不理的行政官员语源:1. Middle English shutten 中古英语 shutten 2. from Old English scyttan * see  skeud- 源自 古英语 scyttan *参见 skeud-




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