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单词 awful
释义 awful['ɒ:ful]a. 可怕的, 庄严的, 虔敬的 awful  aw.ful  AHD:  [ô“f…l] D.J.  [6%8f*l]K.K.  [6%f*l]adj.(形容词)1. Extremely bad or unpleasant; terrible:可怕的,厉害的:极糟糕的或令人不愉快的;可怕的:had an awful day at the office.在办公室里度过了糟糕的一天2. Commanding awe:畏惧的:“this sea, whose gently awful stirrings seem to speak of some hidden soul beneath”(&b{Herman Melville})“大海有些令人畏惧的波动似乎在诉说着隐藏在下面的热情”(赫尔曼·梅尔维尔)3. Filled with awe, especially:充满敬畏的:充满敬畏的,尤指:4. Filled with or displaying great reverence.虔敬的:充满或表现出极大的敬重的5. Obsolete Afraid.【废语】 恐惧的6. Formidable in nature or extent:艰难的:在性质或程度上令人畏惧的:an awful burden; an awful risk.艰难的重担;可怕的冒险adv.Informal (副词)【非正式用语】 Extremely; very:极度地;非常:was awful sick.病得很重语源:1. Middle English aweful [awe-inspiring] 中古英语 aweful [引起畏惧的] 2. blend of awe [awe] * see  awe 混合了 awe [害怕的] *参见 awe3. *ayfull [awful]  from Old English egefull  ege [dread]  -full [-ful] *ayfull [畏惧的]  源自 古英语 egefull  ege [害怕;惧怕]  -full [后缀,表充满…的或易于…的] 继承用法:aw“fully  adv.(副词)aw“fulness  n.(名词)




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