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单词 Sicily
释义 Sicily  AHD:  [s¹s“…-l¶] 缩写 Sic.D.J.  [6s!s*li8]K.K.  [6s!s*li]NONE(无词性)An island of southern Italy in the Mediterranean Sea west of the southern end of the Italian peninsula. It was colonized from the 8th centuryb.c.  by Greeks, who displaced the earlier Phoenician settlers. The next conquerors were Carthaginians, who in turn were conquered by Romans in the 3rd century b.c.  After a succession of other rulers the island came under the control of the Normans in the 11th century a.d.  and formed the nucleus of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, consisting of Sicily and southern Italy. The island continued to change hands until a later kingdom was conquered by Giuseppe Garibaldi in 1860 and became part of unified Italy. 西西里:意大利南部一岛屿,位于意大利半岛南端以西的地中海。从公元前 8世纪起成为希腊殖民地,希腊人赶走了早期定居在此的腓尼基人。迦太基人成为下一个征服者,他们在 公元前 3世纪又被罗马人所征服。在经过其他人相继统治之后, 公元 11世纪该岛被置于诺曼人管辖之下,并形成了两西西里王国的核心部分,由西西里和意大利南部组成。该岛继续多次易手,直到1860年朱森珀·加里波第征服了最后一个王国为止,它成为统一后的意大利的一部分 继承用法:Sicil“ian  AHD:  [s¹-s¹l“y…n] (形容词)(名词)




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