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单词 sierra
释义 sierra[si'єərə]n. 呈齿状起伏的山脉 sierra  AHD:  [s¶-µr“…] D.J.  [si86er*]K.K.  [si6Wr*]n.(名词)1. A rugged range of mountains having an irregular or jagged profile.See Usage Note at redundancy 锯齿山脊:一崎岖的山脉,有曲折的或凹凸不平的轮廓参见 redundancy2. A Spanish mackerel(Scomberomorus sierra)  of the Pacific coast of tropical America. 马鲛:美洲热带太平洋沿岸的马鲛鱼(马鲛 马鲛属)  3. See  cero 参见  cero语源:1. Spanish [saw, sierra] 西班牙语 [锯齿,锯齿状山脉] 2. from Latin serra [saw] 源自 拉丁语 serra [锯齿] 继承用法:sier“ran  adj.(形容词)注释:Perhaps in formal contextsit is wise after mentioning a mountain range such as the Sierra Nevadato refer to it next asthe Sierras  rather thanthe Sierra Mountains,  sincemountains  is inherent in sierra.  Nonetheless, many Californians and Nevadans in particular will be very familiar with phrases such asthe Sierra Mountains.  Such phrases are used because to a non-Spanish speakersierra  does not necessarily have a meaning, unless one is familiar with the English wordsierra,  “a rugged range of mountains having an irregular profile,” borrowed from Spanish. In Spanishsierra  originally meant “saw” and so was aptly applied to a range of hills or mountains rising in peaks that suggested the teeth of a saw.It comes from Latinserra,  “saw,” to which can also be traced our wordserrated.  也许在正式的语境中,提到了一山脉如内华达山脉之后,紧接着再提到时称为the Sierra , 而不是the Sierra  Mountains , 因为mountains 是包含在 sierra 之中的。 尽管如此,许多加利福尼亚人,尤其是内华达人对类似the Sierra Mountains 这样的词组很熟悉。 使用这样的词组是因为对一个非西班牙语的人来说,sierra 一词并不一定有意义, 除非是一个熟悉这个从西班牙语中借用来的英语单词sierra (一崎岖的山脉,有曲折的轮廓)的人。 在西班牙语中,sierra 原意为“锯子”, 所以很恰当地被用来指峰峦叠起,使人联想起锯齿的山脉或群山。这个词来源于拉丁文serra (锯子), serrated 也可以追溯到这个拉丁词




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