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单词 sixty
释义 sixty['siksti]num. 六十, 六十个相关词组:like sixty sixty  six.ty  AHD:  [s¹ks“t¶] D.J.  [6s!ksti8]K.K.  [6s!ksti]n.(名词)  【复数】 six.ties 1. The cardinal number equal to 6 × 10.六十:等于六乘以十的基数2. sixties sixties 3. Often Sixties The decade from 60 to 69 in a century.常作 Sixties 六十年代:在一个世纪里从六十年到六九年之十年4. A decade or the numbers from 60 to 69:六十几:六十年代或者从六十到六十九之间的数字:They planned to retire in their sixties. The breeze kept the temperature in the sixties.他们计划在六十多岁时退休。微风将温度始终保持在六十多度语源:1. Middle English 中古英语 2. from Old English sixtig * see  s(w)eks 源自 古英语 sixtig *参见 s(w)eks 继承用法:six“ty  pron.(代词)adj.(形容词)




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