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单词 skeg
释义 skeg  skeg  AHD:  [skµg] D.J.  [skeg]K.K.  [skWg]n.Nautical (名词)【航海】 1. A timber that connects the keel and the sternpost of a ship.尾柱底骨:连接船的龙骨和船尾柱的圆木2. An arm extending to the rear of the keel to support the rudder and protect the propeller.舵底承:用以支撑舵和保护螺旋浆的,延伸在龙骨后部的支撑物3. A series of timbers attached to the stern of a small boat, serving as a keel to keep the boat on course.船尾支撑木:小船尾部的一系列木条,用作航行中支撑船的龙骨语源:1. Dutch scheg 荷兰语 scheg 2. perhaps from Old Norse skegg [beard, beak of a ship] 可能源自 古斯堪的纳维亚语 skegg [胡须,鸟嘴形船头]




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