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单词 slave
释义 slave[sleiv]n. 奴隶, 从动装置, 卑鄙的人vi. 拼命工作【计】 从设备 slave  slave  AHD:  [sl³v] D.J.  [sle!v]K.K.  [slev]n.(名词)1. One bound in servitude as the property of a person or household.奴隶:受奴役拘束作为某人或某家的财产的人2. One who is abjectly subservient to a specified person or influence:奴隶般受控的人:卑贱地屈从于某个特定的人或某种特定影响的人:“I was still the slave of education and prejudice”(&b{Edward Gibbon})“我受教育和偏见的影响还是很深”(爱德华·吉本)3. One who works extremely hard.苦工:极其努力工作的人4. A machine or component controlled by another machine or component.从动装置:受其它机器或部件支配的机器或部件n.attributive.(定语名词)Often used to modify another noun:经常用于修饰另外一个名词:slave labor; a slave cylinder.奴隶劳动;从属汽缸v.intr.(不及物动词)  slaved,,slaves 1. To work very hard or doggedly; toil.作苦工:非常辛勤地或顽强地工作的人;苦干2. To trade in or transport slaves.买卖奴隶,运输奴隶:从事奴隶交易或运输语源:1. Middle English sclave 中古英语 sclave 2. from Old French esclave 源自 古法语 esclave 3. from Medieval Latin scl³vus 源自 中世纪拉丁语 scl³vus 4. from Scl³vus [Slav (from the widespread enslavement of captured Slavs in the early Middle Ages)] * see  Slav 源自 Scl³vus [斯拉夫人(源于中世纪早期被俘获后大批地用作奴隶的斯拉夫人)] *参见 Slav




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