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单词 slide
释义 slide[slaid]n. 滑, 滑道, 山崩, 雪崩, 幻灯片vt. 使滑动, 偷偷放入vi. 滑动, 滑落, 不知不觉陷入, 偷偷地走【医】 玻片, 载物片【经】 下滑趋势, 位数移动, 错位; 下滑相关词组:let sth slidelet things slideslide over slide  slide  AHD:  [slºd] D.J.  [sla!d]K.K.  [sla!d]v.(动词)  slid[sl¹d],slides v.intr.(不及物动词)1. To move over a surface while maintaining smooth, continuous contact.滑:在一个平面上移动,同时保持平滑的、连续的接触2. To coast on a slippery surface, such as ice or snow.滑行:在一个光滑的表面上(如冰或雪)滑行3. To pass smoothly and quietly; glide:溜走,潜行:平滑地、安静地通过;滑行:slid past the door without anyone noticing.滑过门口,没被任何人发觉4. To go unattended or unacted upon:自然发展:未加处理或未加作为地过去:Let the matter slide.让这件事自然发展吧5. To lose a secure footing or positioning; shift out of place; slip:滑倒:失去安全的立足点或位置;移出地方;打滑:slid on the ice and fell.脚下一滑摔倒在冰上6. To move downward:滑落:向下移动:Prices began to slide.价格开始下降7. To return to a less favorable or less worthy condition.不知不觉陷入:回到不太有利或不太有价值的状况8. Baseball To drop down and skid, usually feet first, into a base to avoid being put out.【棒球】 滑垒:倒地滑行,通常脚在前上垒以免被碰出局及物动词)To cause to slide or slip.滑:使滑行或滑倒n.(名词)1. A sliding movement or action.滑行:滑行的运动或行动2. A smooth surface or track for sliding, usually inclined:滑面,滑道:用于滑行的平面或路径,通常是倾斜的:a water slide.滑水道3. A playground apparatus for children to slide on, typically consisting of a smooth chute mounted by means of a ladder.滑梯:供儿童滑行的一种操场器械,通常有一条光滑的斜道,可以用梯子爬上去4. A part that operates by sliding, as the U-shaped section of tube on a trombone that is moved to produce various tones.U型滑管:靠滑动操作的部分,如长号上U型的管子部分,拉动它可以产生各种声调5. An image on a transparent base for projection on a screen.幻灯片:透明的底片上的形象,用于在屏幕上投影6. A small glass plate for mounting specimens to be examined under a microscope.载波片:一种玻璃板,用于放置在显微镜下观察的样本7. A fall of a mass of rock, earth, or snow down a slope; an avalanche or a landslide.土崩:一片岩石、泥土或雪从斜坡上的落下;雪崩或滑坡8. Music 【音乐】 9. A slight portamento used in violin playing, passing quickly from one note to another.滑音:小提琴演奏中使用的一种滑音,能迅速地从一个音调变到另一个音调10. An ornamentation consisting of two grace notes approaching the main note.装饰:一种修饰,由两个接近主调的装饰音构成语源:1. Middle English sliden 中古英语 sliden 2. from Old English sl&9{ºdan} 源自 古英语 sl&9{ºdan} 参考词汇:1. slide,slip,glide,coast,skid,slither2. These verbs mean to move smoothly and continuously over or as if over a slippery surface.这些动词的意思是在或象在一个很滑的平面上平滑、连续地移动。3. Slide   usually implies rapid, easy movementwithout loss of contact with the surface: Slide  通常表示迅速轻松的运动,且与平面保持不断的接触: “the drops sliding from a lifted oar”  (Theodore Roethke).“水滴从抬起的桨上滑下来” (西奥多·勒特克)。4. Slip   can refer to smooth, easy, and quiet passage: Slip  可以指平滑、轻松,而且安静的通过: slipped on a patch of ice and sprained his ankle.他在一块冰上滑了一跤,扭伤了脚踝。5. Glide   refers to smooth, free-flowing,seemingly effortless movement: Glide  指平滑的、自由浮动的运动,看似毫不费力: A submarine glided silently through the water.一艘潜水艇无声地在水中滑行。6. Coast   applies especially to downward movement resulting from the effects of gravity or momentum: Coast  尤指由于重力或惯性造成的向下运动: The driver turned off the engine and let the truck coast down the incline.司机关掉了马达让卡车滑下斜坡。7. Skid   implies an uncontrolled, often sideways sliding caused by a lack of traction: Skid  指的是由于缺少牵引造成的没有控制的,经常是向一侧的滑动: The bus skidded on wet pavement.公共汽车在潮湿的路面上打滑。8. Slither   can mean to slip and slide, as on an uneven surface,often with friction and noise: Slither  可以指在不平坦的表面上的滑行或滑动,通常产生摩擦和噪音: An iguana slithered across the path. 一只蜥蜴从路上溜过




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