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单词 sloth
释义 sloth[sləuθ]n. 怠惰, 懒惰 sloth  sloth  AHD:  [slôth, sl½th, sl¼th] D.J.  [sl%8G, sl*&G, slKG]K.K.  [sl%G, sloG, sl$G]n.(名词)1. Aversion to work or exertion; laziness; indolence.懒散,怠惰:对工作或努力的反感;懒惰;不积极2. Any of various slow-moving, arboreal, edentate mammals of the family Bradypodidae of South and Central America, having long hooklike claws by which they hang upside down from tree branches and feeding on leaves, buds, and fruits, especially:树懒:生活在美洲中部和南部的树懒科哺乳动物之一,移动缓慢,栖息在树上,无齿目,爪子长而有钩,它们用爪子倒悬在树枝上,吃树叶、嫩芽和果实,尤指:3. A member of the genusBradypus,  having three long-clawed toes on each forefoot. Also called  ai 1three-toed sloth 三趾树懒:三趾树懒 属的动物,每只前掌上有三个长着长爪的脚趾 也作  ai1three-toed sloth4. A member of the genusCholoepus,  having two toes on each forefoot. Also called  two-toed sloth ,unau 二趾树懒:二趾树懒 属的动物,每只前掌上有两个脚趾 也作  two-toed sloth,unau5. A company of bears.See Synonyms at flock 1一群熊参见 flock1语源:1. Middle English slowth 中古英语 slowth 2. from slow [slow] * see  slow 源自 slow [缓慢的] *参见 slow




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