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单词 sluice
释义 sluice[slu:s]n. 水门, 水闸, 蓄水vt. 泄洪, 冲洗vi. 奔流 sluice  sluice  AHD:  [sl›s] D.J.  [slu8s]K.K.  [slus]n.(名词)1. An artificial channel for conducting water, with a valve or gate to regulate the flow:人工渠道,堰:一种人工挖掘的沟渠,用于引水,用阀门或水闸控制水流:sluices connecting a reservoir with irrigated fields.将一个蓄水池与灌溉田连接起来的水渠2. A valve or gate used in such a channel; a floodgate:水闸:这种沟渠上使用的阀门或水闸;防洪闸门:open sluices to flood a dry dock.Also called  &b{sluice gate} 打开水闸灌水到一个干船坞也作  sluice gate3. A body of water impounded behind a floodgate.堰内的水:关在防洪闸门后面的水体4. A sluiceway.泄洪道5. A long inclined trough, as for carrying logs or separating gold ore.斜水槽:倾斜的长槽,用于运输原木或分离金矿v.(动词)  sluiced,,及物动词)1. To flood or drench with or as if with a flow of released water.开水闸灌溉:用或象用一股放出的水流一样淹没或浸满2. To wash with water flowing in a sluice:冲洗:用水渠中流的水冲洗:sluicing sediment for gold.冲洗沉淀物以获取黄金3. To draw off or let out by a sluice:泄洪:用泄洪道引出或排出:sluice floodwater.排出洪水4. To send (logs, for example) down a sluice.(沿斜水槽)运送:将(例如原木)沿水渠运送v.intr.(不及物动词)To flow out from or as if from a sluice.奔泄:从水渠或象从水渠一样流出语源:1. Middle English scluse 中古英语 scluse 2. from Old French escluse 源自 古法语 escluse 3. from Late Latin excl&9{¿sa} 源自 后期拉丁语 excl&9{¿sa} 4. from Latin [feminine past participle of] excl&9{¿}dere [to shut out] * see  exclude 源自 拉丁语  [] excl&9{¿}dere的阴性过去分词 [关闭] *参见 exclude




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