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单词 small
释义 small[smɒ:l]a. 小的, 少的, 小型的, 低微的, 小气的, 细微的ad. 些微地n. 狭小部分【法】 小的, 小型的, 锁细的相关词组:look smallpay small heed tothink small of sbby small and smallfeel small small  small  AHD:  [smôl] D.J.  [sm%8l]K.K.  [sm%l]adj.(形容词),small.est 缩写 s.,sm.1. Being below the average in size or magnitude.小的:尺寸或大小在平均尺度之下2. Limited in importance or significance; trivial:微小的,微不足道的:重要性或意义有限的;细微末节的:a small matter.无关紧要的小事3. Limited in degree or scope:小规模的:在程度或范围方面有限的:small farm operations.小规模的农场操作4. Lacking position, influence, or status; minor:次要的:缺少地位、影响或身份的;第二位的:“A crowd of small writers had vainly attempted to rival Addison”(&b{Macaulay})“一群第二流作家曾经试图超过安德森,但他们没有获得成功”(麦考利)5. Unpretentious; modest:微弱的:不张扬吹嘘的;谦虚的:made a small living; helped the cause in my own small way.过简朴日子;用我自己微不足道的方式来帮助完成事业6. Not fully grown; very young.幼小的:没有完全长大的;特别年轻的7. Narrow in outlook; petty:窄小的:a small mind.心胸狭隘8. Having been belittled; humiliated:低下的:被瞧不起的;被侮辱的:Their comments made me feel small.他们的批评使我觉得被侮辱了9. Diluted; weak. Used of alcoholic beverages.稀释的:被稀释过的;淡的。用来形容各种酒类10. Lacking force or volume:微弱的:缺少力量或体积的:a small voice.微弱的声音adv.(副词)1. In small pieces:零星地:以小碎片形式存在的:Cut the meat up small.把肉切碎2. Without loudness or forcefulness; softly.轻微地:没有音量或力量地;软弱地3. In a small manner.小气地n.(名词)1. Something smaller than the rest:狭窄部份:比其它地方小的部份:the small of the back.腰背部2. smalls smalls 3. Small things considered as a group.零星物品:被看作一组的小件物品4. Chiefly British Small items of clothing.【多用于英国】 小件衣着用品语源:1. Middle English smal 中古英语 smal 2. from Old English smæl 源自 古英语 smæl 继承用法:small“ish  adj.(形容词)small“ness  n.(名词)参考词汇:1. small,diminutive,little,miniature,minuscule,minute,petite,tiny,wee2. The central meaning shared by these adjectives is “being notably below the average in size or magnitude”: 所有这些形容词都有“明显小于正常的尺寸或大小”这一中心意思; a wee bit better. &b{large} 稍微好一点 large




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