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单词 smoke
释义 smoke[sməuk]n. 烟, 雾气, 烟熏剂, 抽烟, 烟色vi. 吸烟, 冒烟, 弥漫vt. 以烟熏, 抽烟而导致...【医】 烟, 烟尘相关词组:like smokesmoke oneself illgo up in smoke smoke  smoke  AHD:  [sm½k] D.J.  [sm*&k]K.K.  [smok]n.(名词)1. The vaporous system made up of small particles of carbonaceous matter in the air, resulting mainly from the burning of organic material, such as wood or coal.烟:由空气中的含碳物质小颗粒形成的气态结构,主要由于燃烧木头或煤炭等有机物而形成2. A suspension of fine solid or liquid particles in a gaseous medium.烟尘:悬浮在气态媒介中的固态或液态小颗粒3. A cloud of fine particles.烟云:小颗粒结合而成的云状物4. Something insubstantial, unreal, or transitory.幻像:没有实质的、虚假的或暂时的事物5. The act of smoking a form of tobacco:吸烟:吸某一种烟的行动:went out for a smoke.出去吸烟6. The duration of this act.抽烟的过程7. Informal Tobacco in a form that can be smoked, especially a cigarette:【非正式用语】 香烟:可以吸的烟草制品,主要指小雪茄:money to buy smokes.买香烟的钱8. A substance used in warfare to produce a smoke screen.烟雾弹:作战时用来制造烟雾屏障的东西9. Something used to conceal or obscure.雾障:用来隐藏或使不显眼的物质10. Color A pale to grayish blue to bluish or dark gray.【色彩】 烟雾色:一种灰白蓝至浅蓝或烟黑灰色之间的一种颜色v.(动词)  smoked,,smokes v.intr.(不及物动词)1. To draw in and exhale smoke from a cigarette, cigar, or pipe:抽烟:从香烟、雪茄或烟斗中吸进烟然后再吐出来:It's forbidden to smoke here.这里禁止吸烟2. To engage in smoking regularly or habitually:嗜烟:经常性地,习惯性地沉缅于吸烟中:He smoked for years before stopping.在戒烟前他嗜烟已有好几年3. To emit smoke or a smokelike substance:冒烟:散发烟或烟状物:chimneys smoking in the cold air.在冷空气中冒烟的烟囱4. To emit smoke excessively:过量地散发烟:The station wagon smoked even after the tune-up.车站的机车即使在经过调试以后依然不停地冒烟5. Slang 【俚语】 6. To go or proceed at high speed.快跑:用极高的速度行动或运行7. To play or perform energetically:精力充沛地操作或表演:The band was really smoking in the second set.乐队在第二段的表演真是热力四射及物动词)1. To draw in and exhale the smoke of (tobacco, for example):吸,抽:吸入和呼出(例如烟草的烟):I've never smoked a panatela.我从来没有抽过细长的雪茄2. To do so regularly or habitually:嗜好(吸烟):经常性、习惯性地这样做:I used to smoke filtered cigarettes.我曾经沉迷于过滤嘴香烟3. To preserve (meat or fish) by exposure to the aromatic smoke of burning hardwood, usually after pickling in salt or brine.熏制:通过在硬树木燃烧后产生的芳香性烟雾上熏烤,来保存用盐或盐水腌制后的肉或鱼4. To fumigate (a house, for example).烟熏(例如一间房子)5. To expose (animals, especially insects) to smoke in order to immobilize or drive away.烟雾驱赶:(将动物主要是昆虫)靠近烟火来使它丧失活力或赶走它6. To expose (glass) to smoke in order to darken or change its color.熏黑:(将玻璃)靠近烟火使它变黑或改变其颜色7. Slang To kill; murder.【俚语】 杀死;谋杀常用词组:smoke out  1. To force out of a place of hiding or concealment by or as if by the use of smoke.烟熏:用烟熏或似用烟熏逼迫从洞穴或隐藏的地方出来2. To detect and bring to public view; expose or reveal:揭露,曝光:发现并公布于众;揭露或展出:smoke out a scandal.揭露一桩丑闻语源:1. Middle English 中古英语 2. from Old English smoca 源自 古英语 smoca 继承用法:smok“able  或  adj.(形容词)smoke“able  




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