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单词 smut
释义 smut[smʌt]n. 煤尘, 污迹, 黑穗病vt. 弄脏vi. 患黑穗病【医】 黑穗病; 污斑 smut  smut  AHD:  [sm¾t] D.J.  [smJt]K.K.  [smJt]n.(名词)1. A particle of dirt.污点:肮脏的颗粒2. A smudge made by soot, smoke, or dirt.污迹:由于炭灰,烟尘或脏东西而造成的污点3. Obscenity in speech or writing.淫秽内容:讲话或文章中的淫秽东西4. Pornography.春宫画5. Any of various plant diseases, especially of cereal grasses, caused by parasitic fungi of the order Ustilaginales that form black, powdery masses of spores on the affected parts.黑穗病:一个由担子菌目的寄生菌引起的植物疾病,多发生于各类植物中,在被感染的部份出现黑色粉末状的斑点6. A fungus causing such a disease.担子菌:引起这种疾病的细菌v.(动词)  smut.ted,smut.ting,smuts及物动词)1. To blacken or smudge, as with smoke or grime.弄脏,污染:弄黑或弄脏,例如用烟或煤灰2. To affect (a plant) with smut.(使植物)生黑穗病3. To free (grain, for example) from smut.除去黑穗病:为(例如稻谷)治疗黑穗病4. To make obscene.使变得淫秽v.intr.(不及物动词)1. To emit smut.散发脏东西2. To be or become blackened or smudged.变黑,变脏:成为或变成黑色或肮脏3. To become affected with smut, as a plant.患黑穗病:生黑穗病,例如某种植物语源:From Middle English smotten, smutten [to defile] 源自 中古英语 smotten, smutten [弄脏,搞乱] 继承用法:smut“tily  adv.(副词)smut“tiness  n.(名词)smut“ty  adj.(形容词)




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