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单词 snuff
释义 snuff[snʌf]n. 烛花, 用鼻吸气, 嗅, 闻, 鼻烟, 气味vt. 剪烛花, 掐灭, 扼杀, 消灭, 用鼻吸, 嗅出, 闻出vi. 嗅, 闻【医】 鼻吸药, 嗅剂相关词组:snuff sth outsnuff itgive sb snuffup to snuff snuff 1  snuff 1  AHD:  [sn¾f] D.J.  [snJf]K.K.  [snJf]v.(动词)  snuffed,,snuffs及物动词)1. To inhale (something) audibly through the nose; sniff.用鼻子使劲吸:用鼻子大声地吸入(某物);擤鼻子2. To sense or examine by smelling; sniff at.嗅出:用嗅觉觉察或检查;嗤之以鼻v.intr.(不及物动词)To sniff; inhale.抽鼻子;用力吸气n.(名词)The act of snuffing or the sound produced by it; a snuffle.鼻音:吸气的动作或由此产生的声音;鼻音语源:1. Middle English snoffen [to snuff a candle, sniffle] 中古英语 snoffen [剪烛花使蜡烛更亮,吸鼻子] 2. probably from snoffe [snuff] * see  snuff 2可能源自 snoffe [烛花] *参见 snuff2 snuff 2  snuff 2  AHD:  [sn¾f] D.J.  [snJf]K.K.  [snJf]n.(名词)The charred portion of a candlewick.烛花:蜡烛蕊烧焦的部分及物动词)  snuffed,,snuffs 1. To extinguish:熄灭:snuffed out the candles.熄灭蜡烛2. To put a sudden end to; destroy:扼杀;消灭:lives that were snuffed out by car accidents.被车祸所扼杀的生命3. To cut off the charred portion of (a candlewick).剪烛花:剪掉(蜡烛蕊)烧焦的部分语源:1. Middle English snoffe 中古英语 snoffe 2. [possibly of Low German origin] [很有可能起源于低地德语]  snuff 3  snuff 3  AHD:  [sn¾f] D.J.  [snJf]K.K.  [snJf]n.(名词)1. A preparation of finely pulverized tobacco that can be drawn up into the nostrils by inhaling.Also called  smokeless tobacco 鼻烟:一种研磨成精细的粉状的烟叶制剂,能吸入鼻腔也作  smokeless tobacco2. The quantity of this tobacco that is inhaled at a single time; a pinch.一撮鼻烟:一次吸入的这种烟叶的数量;一撮鼻烟3. A powdery substance, such as a medicine, taken by inhaling.鼻吸药:用鼻吸入的粉状物质,如药品v.intr.(不及物动词)  snuffed,,snuffs To use or inhale snuff.用或吸鼻烟习惯用语:up to snuff【非正式用语】  1. Normal in health.健康状况良好的2. Up to standard; adequate.符合标准的;符合要求的语源:1. Dutch snuf 荷兰语 snuf 2. short for snuftabak snuftabak的简写 3. Dutch snuffen [to sniff] * see  snuffle 荷兰语 snuffen [用力吸入] *参见 snuffle4. tabak [tobacco] tabak [烟草]




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