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单词 sociable
释义 sociable['səuʃəbl]a. 好交际的, 社交的, 过社会生活的n. 联谊会 sociable  so.cia.ble  AHD:  [s½“sh…-b…l] D.J.  [6s*&.*b*l]K.K.  [6so.*b*l]adj.(形容词)1. Fond of the company of others; gregarious.好交际的;合群的2. Marked by or affording occasion for agreeable conversation and conviviality.See Synonyms at social 社交的:带有或提供令人愉快的交谈和作乐的场合的参见 social3. Pleasant, friendly, and affable.See Synonyms at gracious 愉快的,友好的和礼貌而友善的参见 graciousn.(名词)A social.交谊会语源:1. French 法语 2. from Latin soci³bilis 源自 拉丁语 soci³bilis 3. from soci³re [to share, join] 源自 soci³re [分享,加入] 4. from socius [companion] * see  sek w- 1源自 socius [同伴] *参见 sek w- 1继承用法:so“ciableness  n.(名词)so“ciably  adv.(副词)




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