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单词 solitude
释义 solitude['sɒlitju:d]n. 孤独, 单独, 孤寂 solitude  sol.i.tude  AHD:  [s¼l“¹-t›d”, -ty›d”] D.J.  [6sKl!7tu8d, -7tju8d]K.K.  [6s$l!7tud, -7tjud]n.(名词)1. The state or quality of being alone or remote from others.单独:独自一人或远离他人的状态或性质2. A lonely or secluded place.偏僻处,隐居处语源:1. Middle English 中古英语 2. from Old French 源自 古法语 3. from Latin s½lit&9{¿d½} 源自 拉丁语 s½lit&9{¿d½} 4. from s½lus [alone] * see  s(w)e- 源自 s½lus [单独的] *参见 s(w)e- 参考词汇:1. solitude,isolation,seclusion,retirement2. These nouns denote the state of being alone.这些名词都表示处于单独一人的状态。3. Solitude   implies the absence of all others: Solitude  表示没有其他人: “I love tranquil solitude”  (Percy Bysshe Shelley).“我热爱安静的独处” (帕西·碧西·雪莱)。4. Isolation   emphasizes total separation or detachment from others: Isolation  着重强调与他人完全的分离或分开: “The beast and the monk, robbed of the isolation that is life to either, will die”  (E.M. Forster).“丧失了于二者而言都意味着生命的与世隔离,野兽与僧人将会死去” (E·M·福斯特)。5. Seclusion   suggests removal or a setting apart from others,though not necessarily complete inaccessibility;the term often connotes a withdrawal from social contact: Seclusion  表示与他人离开或分开,虽然并不一定表示完全的不可接近;该词常常指与社会接触的疏远: After the funeral the widow and family spent several days in seclusion.葬礼过后,遗孀和家人过了几天没有与社会接触的日子。6. Retirement   suggests a withdrawal from active life or to a retreat, as for serenity or privacy: Retirement  表示(如为了宁静或隐退)从活跃的生活中隐退或隐居: “an elegant sufficiency, content,/Retirement, rural quiet, friendship, books”  (James Thomson).“一种优雅高尚的充足、满意/退隐、乡村宁静、友谊、书籍” (詹姆士·汤姆逊)




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