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单词 baboon
释义 baboon[bə'bu:n]n. 狒狒【医】 狒狒 baboon  ba.boon  AHD:  [b²-b›n“] D.J.  [b#6bu8n]K.K.  [b#6bun]n.(名词)1. Any of several large, terrestrial African and Asian monkeys of the family Cercopithecidae, especially of the genusPapio  or Chaeropithecus  and related genera, characterized by an elongated, doglike muzzle, a short tail, and bare calluses on the buttocks. 狒狒:一种猕猴科的大型、陆生的非洲和亚洲的猴子,尤指狒狒属 或 Chaeropithecus 及相关的种属,其特征为有一长的象狗一样的口鼻和短尾,臀部有一裸露的胼胝 2. Slang A brutish person; a boor.【俚语】 粗野的人;乡下佬语源:1. Middle English babewin 中古英语 babewin 2. from Old French babuin [gaping figure, gargoyle, baboon] 源自 古法语 babuin [嘴裂,面目古怪的人,狒狒] 3. perhaps blend of Old French babine [muzzle,] 可能混合了 古法语 babine [口鼻] 4. babau [grimace] babau [鬼脸,怪相] 继承用法:baboon“ery  n.(名词)baboon“ish  adj.(形容词)




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