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单词 soon
释义 soon[su:n]ad. 不久, 早, 快, 宁可相关词组:as soon asso soon asas soon as notas soon as possible soon  soon  AHD:  [s›n] D.J.  [su8n]K.K.  [sun]adv.(副词),soon.est 1. In the near future; shortly.不久:在最近的将来;很快2. Without hesitation; promptly:立即:毫不犹豫地;马上:came as soon as possible.马上就来了3. Before the usual or appointed time; early.早:在通常或指定的时间之前;早4. With willingness; readily:宁愿:愿意;情愿地:I'd as soon leave right now.我宁可马上就离开5. Obsolete Immediately.【废语】 立刻习惯用语:no sooner than  As soon as:一…就…:No sooner was the frost off the ground than the work began.地上的霜一消散,人们就开始工作了sooner or later  At some time; eventually:迟早;有朝一日:Sooner or later you will have to face the facts.你迟早将面对事实语源:1. Middle English sone 中古英语 sone 2. from Old English s½na [immediately] 源自 古英语 s½na [立刻] 用法:No sooner,  as a comparative adverb, should be followed bythan  not when,  as in these typical examples: No sooner 作为比较级形式的副词, 其后应跟than 而不是 when , 如下面这些典型例子: I had no sooner left than she called. 我刚走她就打来了电话




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