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单词 sophomore
释义 sophomore['sɒfəmɒ:]n. (大学)二年级生a. 二年级学生的, 二年级的 sophomore  soph.o.more  AHD:  [s¼f“…-môr”, -m½r”, s¼f“môr”, -m½r”] D.J.  [6sKf*7m%8, -7m*&r, 6sKf7m%8, -7m*&r]K.K.  [6s$f*7m%r, -7mor, 6s$f7m%r, -7mor]n.Abbr. soph.(名词)缩写 soph.1. A second-year student in a U.S. college.二年级学生:美国大学第二年的学生2. A tenth-grade student in a U.S. high school.十年级学生:美国中学中第十年级的学生3. A person in the second year of carrying out an endeavor.有两年经验者:进行某项努力第二年的人n.attributive.(定语名词)Often used to modify another noun:常用以修饰另外一个名词:her sophomore year; a sophomore class.她大学生活的第二年;二年级班语源:1. Alteration  probably influenced by Greek sophos [wise]  and m½ros [dull]  可能受 希腊语 sophos的影响 [睿智的]  和 m½ros [索然无味的] 2. of sophumer sophumer的变化 3. from obsolete sophom [sophism, dialectic exercise] 源自 废语 sophom [诡辩,辩证] 4. variant of sophism sophism的变体




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