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单词 sore
释义 sore[sɒ:]a. 悲伤的, 痛的, 引起痛苦的n. 痛处, 溃疡, 疮【医】 疮, 溃疡; 痛的相关词组:get sore over sthbe in sore need of help sore  sore  AHD:  [sôr, s½r] D.J.  [s%8, s*&r]K.K.  [s%r, sor]adj.(形容词),sor.est 1. Painful to the touch; tender.触摸即引起疼痛的;脆弱的2. Feeling physical pain; hurting:痛的:肉体感觉疼痛的;疼痛的:sore all over.全身酸痛3. Causing misery, sorrow, or distress; grievous:伤心忧虑的:使人悲痛、伤心或忧虑的;令人悲伤痛苦的:in sore need.极度需要4. Causing embarrassment or irritation:使人难堪窘迫的或惹人生气的:a sore subject.令人生气的话题5. Full of distress; sorrowful.充满悲伤的;伤心痛苦的6. Informal Angry; offended.【非正式用语】 恼火的;被触犯的n.(名词)1. An open skin lesion, wound, or ulcer.伤口:皮肤损伤、伤口或溃疡2. A source of pain, distress, or irritation.痛处:引起痛苦、悲伤或恼怒的事由及物动词)  sored,,sores To mutilate the legs or feet of (a horse) in order to induce a particular gait in the animal.弄伤:为了使动物走出某种特殊的步伐而要伤其腿或脚(如马)adv.Archaic (副词)【古语】 Sorely.痛苦地语源:1. Middle English 中古英语 2. from Old English s³r 源自 古英语 s³r 继承用法:sore“ness  n.(名词)




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