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单词 south
释义 south[sauθ]n. 南方, 南a. 南的, 向南的ad. 在南方vi. 转向南方相关词组:go south with sth south  south  AHD:  [south] D.J.  [sa&G]K.K.  [sa&G]n.Abbr. S,S.,s,s.,so.,So.,sou.,Sou.(名词)缩写 S,S.,s,s.,so.,So.,sou.,Sou.1. The direction along a meridian 90&9{=} clockwise from east; the direction to the right of sunrise.南方:从东按顺时针方向旋转90度之后沿经线的方向;面对太阳升起之时右侧的方向2. The cardinal point on the mariner's compass 180&9{=} clockwise from due north and directly opposite north.南:航海者使用的罗盘之上的一个基本点,从正北顺时针旋转180度之后与北恰好相反的方向3. An area or a region lying in the south.南部地区:位于南方的区域或地区4. Often South 常作 South 5. The southern part of the earth.地球的南极地区6. The southern part of a region or country.南方:某地区或国家的南部地区7. South The southern part of the United States, especially the states that fought for the Confederacy in the Civil War.South 美国南方地区:美国的南方地区,尤指美国内战时为南部邦联作战的各州adj.Abbr. S,S.,s,s.,so.,So.,sou.,Sou.(形容词)缩写 S,S.,s,s.,so.,So.,sou.,Sou.1. To, toward, of, facing, or in the south.向南方,南方的,面临南方或在南方的2. Originating in or coming from the south:发源于或来自南方的:a hot south wind.炎热的南风adv.Abbr. S,S.,s,s.,so.,So.,sou.,Sou.(副词)缩写 S,S.,s,s.,so.,So.,sou.,Sou.In, from, or toward the south.在南方,从南方或朝南方语源:1. Middle English 中古英语 2. from Old English s&9{¿th} * see  s³wel- 源自 古英语 s&9{¿th} *参见 s³wel-




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