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单词 South Africa
释义 South Africa南非 South Africa  South  AHD:  [²f“r¹-k…] 缩写 S.Afr.,S.A.D.J.  [6#fr!k*]K.K.  [6#fr!k*]NONE(无词性)A country of southern Africa on the Atlantic and Indian oceans. First settled by the Dutch in the mid-17th century, the region passed to Great Britain in 1814 but was hotly contested by descendants of the Dutch settlers in the Boer War (1899-1902). The British and Boer colonies formed a union in 1910 and became a republic in 1961. Pretoria is the administrative capital; Cape Town, the legislative capital; and Bloemfontein, the judicial capital. Johannesburg is the largest city. Population, 24,208,140.南非:南部非洲临大西洋与印度洋的一个国家。17世纪中叶最初是荷兰人的居住之所,1814年转移到大不列颠手中,但在布尔战争(1899年至1902年)中遭到荷兰定居者后裔的激烈挑战。1910年英国人与布尔人殖民地组成联合政府,后于1961年成为共和国。比勒陀利亚是其行政首都;开普敦是其立法首都;布隆方登是其司法首都。约翰内斯堡是全国最大的城市。人口24,208,140继承用法:South Af“rican  n.(名词)adj.(形容词)




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