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单词 specimen
释义 specimen['spesimən]n. 样品, 标本, 试料【化】 试样【医】 标本; 样品【经】 样本, 样品, 抽样 specimen  AHD:  [spµs“…-m…n] D.J.  [6spes*m*n]K.K.  [6spWs*m*n]n.Abbr. sp.(名词)缩写 sp.1. An individual, an item, or a part representative of a class, genus, or whole.See Synonyms at example 样本:单个或一条细目,代表一类、一种或一整体的个体参见 example2. A sample, as of tissue, blood, or urine, used for analysis and diagnosis.抽样:用来作分析和诊断的组织、血液或尿液的抽样3. Informal An individual; a person:【非正式用语】 个人;一个人:a disagreeable specimen.令人讨厌的人语源:1. Latin [example] 拉丁语 [例子] 2. from specere [to look at] * see  spek- 源自 specere [看着] *参见 spek-




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